


What impact will temperature have on the effectiveness of compressed air dryers?
Source: | Author:hengxi | Published time: 2019-05-22 | 1495 Views | Share:

The lower the temperature, the worse the drying effect


Under the same pressure conditions, for every 5 ℃ increase in temperature, the saturated water content increases by about 30%.


The higher the inlet temperature of compressed air, the worse the water removal effect of the freeze dryer, because the freeze dryer liquefies gaseous water into liquid water through the principle of refrigerant heat exchange, and removes it through a drainage device to achieve the drying effect of compressed air.


For adsorption dryers, there will also be significant impacts. Due to the increase in water content in compressed air, it will increase the pressure load of the adsorbent, and similarly, the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent will decrease with the increase in temperature.


So, in some cases, it is necessary to install a cooler behind the air storage tank to reduce the temperature of compressed air and achieve better compressed air drying effect.


In some industries with high requirements, a combination of a refrigerated dryer and an adsorption dryer is needed to dry compressed air in order to meet the required compressed air standards for production.

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