


Common faults and solutions of air filters
Source: | Author:hengxi | Published time: 2019-05-22 | 10213 Views | Share:

Air filter is an essential device on the conveying medium pipeline. Air filter is designed to ensure the quality of the gas conveyed by the air compressor under special working conditions, and also to meet the special air quality requirements of certain industrial fields. Therefore, the quality of air filters directly affects the quality of compressed air.


Precautions, common faults, and solutions for air filters:


Poor filtration effect of air filter in air compressor


1. The filter element is aging, replace the filter element; Usually replaced every 8000/h;


2. If the intake air is not pre treated, install a pre filter;


3. If the flow rate exceeds the rated value, replace the filter with the appropriate flow rate;


4. If the downstream pipeline is not clean, check the downstream pipeline regularly to ensure its cleanliness;


5. If there is a short circuit in the air flow inside the filter, identify the cause and take appropriate measures;


6. To prevent the inlet and outlet of the filter from being connected in the opposite direction, it is necessary to identify the marked direction for connection;


7. Keep the usage point clean;


8. Close the bypass valve tightly.


The reasons that can cause the air filter of the air compressor to not work are as follows:


1. The inlet and outlet valves are not open, ------ Open the valve;


2. The filter element is severely clogged, replace the filter element;


3. The filter is damaged, replace the filter;


4. If the piping is blocked, repair the piping device.

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